The Inclusion of Feminine Values in the Workplace

Nurturing and Kindness 

At present the consciously held values are Masculine and concrete. i.e. in Hospitals, a standard of clinical care and the meeting of financial targets. These values exclude the needs of the soul, body and spirit and the humanity of so many people: even high standards of clinical care are not always maintained.

One aspect of the Feminine is kindness. Kindness includes:

  • Being fed: older people are sometimes not fed.
  • Bed linen being changed when it has become soiled.
  • Appropriate pain relief being given.

This is an example of the Feminine, the nurturing principle in everyday life. Why do bad things happen? Because we, as women, do not stand up for Feminine values: it’s that simple.

In order for women to stand up for Feminine values, a conceptual framework and a language are essential. This is what a large part of my work is about; creating this and giving the Feminine a sound base from which to go forward into this new phase.